4 Ways to Promote Your Brand


Being the President and CEO of YOU, Inc. is not easy, is it? Taking full responsibility for your work and for the results of that work can seem daunting at times. Let's face it; It's easier to play the game.

Creating a positive brand is one thing, living the brand is quite another matter. It's not about the logo, it's about the benefits. People buy our brand because of the benefits they receive from what our brand has to offer.

If you work for someone else, the brand you represent is directly related to the caliber of work you do and the kind of relationships you forge. Remember, your brand is the identity you've established within the organization you work for. Your brand presents what sets you apart in the workplace. It's what makes you different from everyone else.

Here are four ways to promote your brand in the workplace:

1. Be a great teammate.

You do not work in a vacuum and you do not live in a cocoon. You're interacting with people every day. You and your brand are being judged by the contributions you're making to the projects you work on and the people you work with. Being a solid contributor to the team is one of the surest ways to create a strong brand in the workplace.

2. Establish yourself as an expert

Just knowing how to do your job is not enough. In order to add noticeable, measurable and distinctive value to your organization – and to the people you work with – you need to become an expert at what you do. An expert knows his or her job from the inside out, becoming the "go to" person for direction and advice.

3. Become a visionary

In order to build a remarkable brand, you'll need to see beyond the present. People will be looking to you to know what's coming up on the horizon. You do not have the luxury of living in the present – which is quite all right – because the present does not last very long. Strong brands stay strong because they're always focused, always looking for a new and better way.

4. Focus on results

It's not what you say you'll do that will establish your credibility as a valuable brand. It's what you actually produce that will determine your value in the workplace. Pragmatic results are what count. Your value to the organization and to the team will be measured by the results you produce – not by the promises you make.

See why I said it's easier to play the blame game than to take responsibility for results? Be a great teammate, establish yourself as an expert, be a visionary and focus on results. If you do those four things, your brand will be as strong as any in the marketplace. And so will your value.


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