Month: January 2018

RC Electric Boats Review

RC boats can be divided into four categories: electric, sail, gas, and nitro. RC electric boats are the easiest to maintain and are relatively cheap compared to the other choices. The electric motor is also silent and will allow you to play in crowded areas without causing a disturbance. Basic […]

Obama Helps Moms Go Back to School

Barack Obama has made a commitment to help moms go back to school while the government pays for it. The goal is to make college education available for everyone and moms are often the ones that miss out. $ 5500 Federal Scholarships for Moms He has increased the Federal Pell […]

What Do Cartage Agents Do?

Many things are done by cartage agents. For example, if a freight shipment arrived at the main carrier hub in Denver but that carrier was unable to make the delivery that night or could not deliver to a job site a cartage agent could then pick it up and take […]

SEO – Three Actions that May Improve Your Rankings

Want to market your business more effectively online? Consider these three website design changes that may immediately improve your search enginge rankings: Flash 1. If you have a 100% Flash website, consider changing it. Do not get me wrong, Flash is nice. The problem is that search engines do not […]

Dealing With Airplane Boredom

In my career, I've done more than a few flights over 10 hours, sometimes as long as 14. If you're not in first or business class, sleeping is a challenge. Economy seats only lean back a few inches and even if you manage to fall asleep you'll probably be woken […]